WASHINGTON COUNTY – The Washington County 4-H Club is hosting an Open House on Tuesday, August 24 from 3-5 p.m. The public is invited to learn what Washington County 4-H is all about from 4-H Club Leaders and 4-H Agent Julie P. Dillard who will be ready to tell everyone all about the clubs and opportunities 4-H has for youth in Washington County.
There are seven 4-H clubs:
Blazing Hooves-horse project
Chick Chain-poultry project
Fire Ants-exploring 4-H and expressive arts projects
Livestock-beef and swine projects
Sure Shots-shotgun project
4Teen-leadership/workforce development and financial literacy projects
and Reel ‘Em In-environmental sciences projects
4-H Clubs are led by a team of dedicated volunteers who are background screened and trained to give kids
positive youth development experiences. Clubs meet at least monthly
where youth hold officer positions, lead business meetings, and have
educational programs. There are also competitive and leadership
development opportunities for members outside the county.
County 4-H enrollment also begins on August 24 online at
v2.4honline.com. Parents can choose from the clubs and projects above,
or they can choose to learn as a family.
For more information on Washington County, visit the 4-H Google site: https://sites.google.com/ufl.edu/washco4h/home. You can also email or call Julie P. Dillard at juliepd@ufl.edu or 850-638-6180.