Fri. Feb 28th, 2025

BOCC updates public participation policy

WASHINGTON COUNTY – The Washington County Board of County Commissioners approved a new Public Participation policy when they met in regular session on Thursday, August 19.  

new policy states that members of the public will no longer need to
request placement on the agenda to speak on items that will be voted on
from the agenda.  Once the item on the agenda is brought up and the chairman asks for a motion and a second, discussion for the item will be called for, it is then members of the public will be able to speak on the topic if they so desire.

is no change to the non-agenda portion of the public participation
policy, each member of the public will be allotted three minutes to
speak on any topic that is not on the agenda.

bid for the Sunny Hills Paving Project was awarded to C.W. Roberts
contingent on the bid being brought into budget range. The current bid
comes in at
$510,838.18 which is roughly $10,000 over budget.  The project will be paid out of MSBU funds.

Commissioners approved the purchase of a dispatch console and dispatch furniture totaling $56,462.02 to be paid out of E-911 funds. The Board also approved the application for a grant which will pay for the 911 computer fourth position at $22,286.25. 

An agreement was approved for Jeff Carter P.A. to act as Special Magistrate for Code Enforcement as a back up should the need arise. 

Commissioners approved the Clerk of Court to pay vouchers for the month of July totaling $4,120,373.07. 

Washington County Board of County Commissioners will meet again in regular session at 9 a.m. on September 9.

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