Thu. Jan 2nd, 2025

CPD investigating attempted ATM robbery

An early morning attempt to rob an ATM in Chipley was unsuccessful, and Chipley Police Department is asking anyone with information to come forward and help identify the would be robbers.

Monday morning, Dec. 12, around 2 a.m. CPD received a call for an ATM alarm at One Florida Bank on Main Street. When officers arrived on scene, they found evidence of someone trying to remove the ATM machine.

Footage from the bank security cameras show a white F-250 truck back up to the ATM, attach a chain and try to force the vault doors open with the assistance of the truck. After the attempts failed, the two subjects departed the bank area. 

A short time later, the suspect vehicle was found close to the interstate in Caryville by a deputy with the Washington County Sheriff’s Office. The truck was found to be stolen out of Escambia County.

The subjects are described as two black males wearing dark colored hoodies. Anyone with information is asked to contact Chipley Police Department at 850-638-6310.

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