Tue. Mar 11th, 2025

Vernon to overhaul several city policies

VERNON – The resignation of Mayor Candice Hodges brought forth discussion on a myriad of topics when the Vernon City Council met in special session on Monday, Nov. 29.

Attorney Michelle Jordan was tasked with reaching out to Sniffen and Spelman, a firm of employment lawyers to find a way to change how employee discipline is handled. The firm advised Jordan that the best course of action would be to utilize a membership organization called SHRM Consulting Firm in regards to the employee handbook, policies and procedures, as they are best equipped to guide the city in the proper direction.

Council agreed to look into membership in order to revise the several inconsistencies in the policies and procedures.  Council has also set the first two special workshops in January to discuss those topics. More are expected to follow.

The City charter has provisions regarding the departure of Hodges which states the council president will take over as Mayor Pro Tem until such time as an election is held which in this case is in March.

The council will also be looking to update the antiquated charter and bring it up to date in its provisions. The original charter was written in 1926.  Council is expected to hold special workshops on the matter.

The Vernon City Council will meet again in regular session at 5:30 p.m. on Dec. 20.

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