Over a brisk but sunny two-day period, hunters got to shoot quail and pheasant at Hard Labor Creek Plantation during the annual Opportunity Florida Quail Calcutta on Feb. 22-23.
The excursion raised $27,000 and was hosted by State Sen. Jay Trumbull and State Rep. Shane Abbott.
The annual Opportunity Florida Quail Calcutta brought hunters out to Hard Labor Creek Plantation for quail and pheasant shooting. [COLLIN BREAUX | Washington County News]
A dinner was held the first night to celebrate the occasion. Abbott talked to the dinner crowd about what’s being done in the State Legislature to help rural communities.
The annual Opportunity Florida Quail Calcutta brought hunters out to Hard Labor Creek Plantation for quail and pheasant shooting. [COLLIN BREAUX | Washington County News]
“Today was an exciting day for me because I had three bills finally make it through their final committee,” Abbott said. “Last year, we passed a bill for rural areas where we didn’t have to do matching funds for grants. That was huge. This year, we’re following it up. One of those bills is now we don’t have to have matching funds for the rural economic organizations.”
Hard Labor Creek Plantation owner Ted Everett (left) and State Rep. Shane Abbott (right) display a check for the amount raised during the annual Opportunity Florida Quail Calcutta. [COLLIN BREAUX | Washington County News]Community members got together at Hard Labor Creek Plantation on Feb. 22 for a dinner celebrating the annual Opportunity Florida Quail Calcutta. [COLLIN BREAUX | Washington County News]