Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

Land dispute sparks debate at BOCC meeting


A debate was sparked at the Washington County Board of County Commissioners meeting January 16 regarding the former County Commissioner Tray Hawkins’ property at 525 Roche Avenue. The topic was brought to the board because a resident of Washington County asked that the issue be placed on the agenda for discussion. Commissioner Wesley Griffin and Building Official Mike Gerald added that they had received concerned phone calls regarding the property. There were also concerns about the initial plans for the building because it was originally applied for under a residential permit and is now making the transition to commercial use. 

“I just want to clear the air. I’ve gotten a lot of phone calls and concerns since the project started” stated Griffin “I just want to discuss it and clear the air and come to a resolution and move forward with it.”

According to Gerald, the property was inspected and permitted as a residential accessory structure, and enclosed pole barn. “What has happened is that it is now a commercial enterprise, as you all are aware.” stated Gerald. Hawkins has now taken steps to convert it to a commercial building.

According to Dawn McDonald, City Planner, there was a change in use and now a development application is required per code. McDonald states they have already met with the applicants but are awaiting the application.

McDonald stated in the open meeting that the development committee would have to approve and that it would also involve the City of Vernon’s departments. The planning commission would issue a recommendation and the final decision would be up to Vernon City Council.

Hawkins questioned if there was a code complaint filed, referring to Griffin’s earlier comments regarding receiving concerned calls. “Is this going to be standard policy from now on? Just because a commissioner receives phone calls, we are going to put it on the agenda?” Hawkins addressed Chairman David Pettis in the meeting “Without a code violation? Without a code complaint?” 

Pettis stated he cannot answer for the other commissioners and that he would prefer to see it go through the proper channels. 

Hawkins furthered, stating in the open meeting that he spoke with the building and planning department and claimed they reported no phone calls were made in regards to Hawkins’ property until his address was placed on the agenda. Hawkins expressed he would like to have evidence of the phone calls that Griffin and Gerald stated they received. 

“I would like to at this time submit a public records request of Mr. Gerald’s county phone and Commissioner Griffin’s county phone because as I understand there were 25 to 50 phone calls made” stated Hawkins.

Hawkins expressed in the meeting that Commissioner Griffin could have stepped down to the planning department to ask questions regarding the property instead of bringing it to the board but stated Griffin allegedly had not done so. 

“This is straight retaliation,” stated Hawkins. 

“I’m not here to hurt you, Tray.” stated Griffin.

“It’s not the building. We aren’t out to get you.” Commissioner Joey Brock added, “It’s the way it was handled from day one.” Brock furthered by stating that it did not go through the proper channels i.e. the planning commission. Brock suggested that if Hawkins wanted to make the transition to a commercial building he should have halted progress and pulled the correct permits.

Hawkins disputed the item being discussed on the agenda adding that “This is no longer the county’s business. This is the city of Vernon’s business”

Griffin concluded by stating he believed in Hawkin’s vision but he still has to go through the proper channels. “I’ve got nothing against you and what you’re doing. I think it’s a great thing, but it’s got to be done the right way.” 

The discussion came to a conclusion as Hawkins and Griffin, along with the rest of the board of commissioners, agreed that the issue was now under the jurisdiction of the City of Vernon and no longer an issue to be discussed before the board.

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