Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

Students and staff recognized at school board meeting

Washington County School Board members took a moment to recognize the accomplishments of several staff and students during the May 11 board meeting.

With Friday, May 7 recognized nationally as “School Lunch Hero Day”, school board members took a moment to honor Washington County’s own lunchroom heroes, reporting that the staff of 26 workers across the district have served more than 200,000 meals to students since March. WCSD lunchroom staff are: Trinity Ramey, Sandra Hicks, Dianne Monroe, Alisha Weeks, Rosa Maldonado, Beverly Simmons, Mary Syfrett, Florence Harmon, Patricia Potter, Colin Dean, Christian Heistand, Mary McCary, Cindy Graber, Tamara Riley, Nancy Carter, Denise Hall, Equilla Brown, Julie Morris, Jessica Smith, Dawn Bear, Bethany Steverson, Samantha Carroll, Christy Barnes, and Katie Compton.

Four Vernon High School students were recognized for awards earned during the annual Chipola Literature and Language Festival: Emma Smith – 2nd Place in Oral Interpretation; Abby Chomos – Honorable Mention in Speech; Yoni Negron – Honorable Mention in Spanish and Nicol Carrillo – Honorable Mention in Spanish. VHS Freshman Griffin Barnard was also recognized for his selection by Creative Communications to have his poem published in the organization’s upcoming Poetic Power anthology, a collection of poems written by students. Barnard’s poem was one of several selected from thousands of entries.

Chipley High School Band Director Richard Davenport was also on hand to recognize Seniors Kaleb Hobbs and Trevor Balkcom for their musical achievements. Both received Superior ratings during the Florida Bandmasters Association District Solo and Ensemble assessment, as well as at State Solo and Ensemble assessment. Additionally, both students were also recently awarded musical scholarships to Troy University. Hobbs plays the euphonium, and Balkcom plays the trombone.

The school distriwctÂ’s mental health staff were also thanked for their contributions in recognition of May as National Mental Health Awareness Month, noting that the school system currently employs four licensed mental health counselors, as well as two LPNs. Since the 2018-2019 school year, WCSD has trained approximately 525 administrators, teachers, support staff, lunchroom workers, bus drivers, and school resource deputies in youth mental health first aid.

In other recognitions, Paula Wilson was introduced to the board as the new President of the Washington County Education Association (WCEA).

Paula Wilson was introduced as the new President of the Washington County Education Association (WCEA).

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