Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Chipley sprayfield to be completed in 2023

CHIPLEY –  The City of Chipley anticipates 2023will being the completion of the new cityÂ’s new sprayfield  – and with it, expanded opportunity for economic growth.

After more than a decade, the City of Chipley was able to purchase 485 acres at 33 Pike Pond Road for use as a spray field. 

More than a decade ago a project began and three spray fields were developed, none of which have performed as intended due to soil not being suitable for hosting a spray field. Thus began the search for a property that would fill the needs of the city.  

Of the 485 acres, roughly 250 acres are currently being developed. The remaining acreage has not yet been designated for a particular use. The City of Chipley has the capacity to accommodate 1.2 million gallons of wastewater per day but is currently only able to handle 676,000 gallons due to the current spray field limitations.  

City Administrator Dan Miner says the new spray field will allow the city to nearly double its current capacity. “The purchase of this property will put Chipley in the position to accommodate the full 1.2 million capacity we are capable of,” said Miner. “This means the expansion of residential, commercial and economic development is not just possible, but probable.” 

The funding for the $15.5 million project comes from both USDA and Department of Environmental Protection State Revolving Fund in the form of grants and loans. The USDA portion of $7,602,571 is 75 percent grant and 25 percent loan and DEPSRF portion of $6,677,277 is 80 percent grant and 20 percent loan which totals $15,569,111.  These funds were used to purchase the land and for the development of the spray field. Construction has already begun and is scheduled for completion on May 10, 2023. 

According to Miner, citizens need not worry about an increase in their sewer rates. 

“The city did some creative refinancing of old debt,” said Miner. “Which means taxpayers will see a zero dollar increase on their sewer bills.” 

Miner says he is excited for the future of Chipley. 

“This is a win-win for the city,” said Miner. “Our future is bright and could bring more residential developments and commercial opportunities. I am excited to see what the future holds.”

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