Thu. Feb 6th, 2025

Former Vernon employee set for trial on multiple lewd and lascivious charges

A former temporary street worker for the City of Vernon is scheduled for trial this month.

41-year-old Jamison Shane Haskins is facing multiple lewd and lascivious molestation and sexual battery on a victim less than 12.

Haskins, of Vernon, was initially arrested in July after an investigation that began the previous fall.

According to court documents, the abuse was reported to the Gulf Coast Children’s Advocacy Center by the alleged victim, now an adult. The victim divulged multiple incidents of molestation she states happened during her childhood with Haskins named as the perpetrator of those acts.

Jury selection and subsequent trial are scheduled to begin at 8:30 a.m. on Dec. 12 with Chief Circuit Judge Christopher Patterson presiding.


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