Chipley city election set for September 2024

The Chipley City election is scheduled for September 3, 2024, and will see three city council members running unopposed. The unopposed candidates are:

Kevin Russell for City Council Member Ward No. 1

Linda Cain for City Council Member Ward No. 4

Leonard N. Blount for City Council Member-At-Large

The Mayor and City Council members are currently elected for two-year terms. However, a proposed charter amendment aims to extend the term of office from two years to four years. If adopted, the new terms would begin in October 2024 and expire in September 2028. Additionally, to facilitate the transition, the terms that would expire in September 2025 will be extended by one year, now expiring in September 2026.

This amendment is expected to provide greater continuity within the city council and improve long-term planning and governance.

Voters in Chipley will have the opportunity to cast their votes and decide on this significant change during the upcoming election.

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