Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Wausau receives positive audit

WAUSAU ? The yearly audit report was delivered to the Wausau Town Council when they met in regular session on July 15. 

Hilton Galloway of Carr, Riggs and Ingram advised the council there were no deficiencies in their audit. He also informed the council there were no exceptions found in the townÂ’s financial statements, the town is breaking even financially. The audit returned a good report. 

The Council approved Fred Fox Enterprises to apply for a Community Development Block Grant of Hurricane Michael funds. Many areas were not as badly affected by Michael as others leaving a surplus of funding. In light of that, the offer of those relief funds is being recirculated. Should the grant be awarded, the town will use the funds to replace the main generator at the Possum Palace which is 25 years old. 

A fifty square feet of land behind the Emergency Operations Center was approved to be deeded to the county with a caveat. The caveat being the county will take responsibility of any liability should a sink hole open someone be hurt. That particular spot was once served as the location of the townÂ’s well; it has long since been capped off.  

In other items, the council approved placement of a dumpster at the townÂ’s cemetery due to people dumping garbage in the area.  The Recreation Department is holding a fish fry on August 6 at the Possum Palace during the Possum King and Queen Pageant. Plates can be purchased in advance at Town Hall for $8 with the price going up to $10 at the event. Plates will begin being served at 5 p.m. until supplies run out.


The Wausau Town Council will meet again in regular session at 5 p.m. on August 19.   

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