Tue. Mar 11th, 2025

Washington County Sheriff’s Office Toys for Kids Rodeo results


A weekend of broncs, bulls, barrel racing, and more came to a close Saturday night with the end of the Washington County Sheriff’s Office Rodeo. The event awarded a total of $43,230.00 to contestants based on the scores for their prospective event. The results from the Professional Cowboy Association (PCA) are listed below.

Bareback: Gavin Lee-72/1273.23, James Glenn-70.5/893.97, Clay Russ-69/541.80 

Barrel Racing: Zoey Carpenter-17.593/1673.01, Angie Hammock-17.711/1384.56, Erin Wetzel-17.720/1096.11, Ericka Nelson-17.878/807.66, Molly Kate Garrett-17.901/519.21, Joanna Parker-17.954/288.45 

Breakaway Roping: Tabitha Owens-2.6/1441.26, Tresley Culpepper-3.2/1144.53, Addison Elliott-3.3/699.44, Christen Carrell-3.3/699.44, Gracie Anna Green-3.4/254.34 

Bull Riding: Harrison McGriff-82.5/1946.70, Kolby Freed-79.5/1297.80 

Calf Roping: Kota Wilhite-8.2/1467.27, Bart Brunson-8.5/1165.19, Trey Faulk-8.7/863.10, Grey Wells-9.2/561.02, Colt Papy-9.4/258.93 

Ranch Bronc: Ty Flanary-74/455.40, Colt Papy-73/341.55, Hardy Mitchell-71/227.70, Josh Allen-70/113.85 

Saddle Bronc: Hayden Phipps-77/1487.70, Joe Farren-75/991.80 

Steer Wrestling: Zac Varner-3.2/1545.30, Clint Thomas-3.4/1227.15, Gus Maraman-3.9/909.00, Bay Etheredge-4.6/590.86, Waylon Stuckey-4.7/2727.70 

Team Roping: Bradley Massey & Reno Gonzales-4.4/1517.72, Keven Daniel & Kyle Lawrence-5.1/1256.04, Rayne Starkey & Adam Toole-5.7/863.53, Garrett McDonald & James Pilcher-5.7/863.53, Clark Gordon & Tanner Brown-6.2/471.02, Nathan Gray & Jason Hill-6.5/261.68

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