Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

WCFS honors first firefighters to be hired in Washington County

The Washington County Fire Services will hold a career firefighter pinning ceremony to honor the first firefighters hired in Washington County. Gracie Lang, Blake McCormick, and Kyle Crews will receive badges and be sworn in with the Oath of Office on October 23. This ceremony follows their completion of a two-week training academy, where they participated in various fire scenarios and athletic training in preparation for their official 24-hour shifts. In addition, on October 25, the volunteer firefighters who recently graduated Fire 1, are to be honored in a badge-pinning ceremony. After six months of intensive training, which included search and rescue, ropes and knots, breathing apparatus, ventilation practices, and fire ground tactics, they will be sworn in with the Oath of Office. The volunteer firefighters that are being honored are Tiffani Rector, Thomas Sznura, Joe Phillips, Benjamin Myers, Matthew Mueller, David Knowles, William Hayes, Jacob Davidson, Phillip Collins, Mellisa Collins, and Amanda McComb. The event is at the Sunny Hills Fire Department and is part of a long-standing tradition of recognizing firefighters for joining the department or receiving promotions.

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