FDLE arrests Bonifay man for possession of child sexual abuse material

BONIFAY – FDLE agents arrested Brian Patrick Carpenter, 34, of Bonifay, on 35 counts of possession of child sexual abuse material in violation of Florida Statute 827.071(5) and four counts of promoting sexual performance of a child in violation of Florida Statute 827.071(3). Carpenter is a correctional officer at Holmes Correctional Institution. The Florida Department of Corrections is moving forward with Carpenter’s immediate dismissal. 

The investigation began in January, and FDLE agents conducted a search warrant at Carpenter’s residence on Wednesday, March 3. Agents found videos and photographs of child sexual abuse material involving children as young as 8 years old being abused.  

Carpenter was arrested that same day and booked into the Holmes County Jail on a no-bond status pending first appearance. Additional charges are dependent upon completion of forensics exams. The case will be prosecuted by the Office of the State Attorney, 14th Judicial Circuit.

This article originally appeared on Washington County News: FDLE arrests Bonifay man for possession of child sexual abuse material

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