Wed. Feb 12th, 2025

Chipley City Council held the first reading of an ordinance for a comprehensive plan amendment to update their capital improvement schedule for the next five years when they met in regular session Jan. 10.

The capital improvement plan includes but is not limited to extension of water and sewage and natural gas systems on State Road 77 and Interstate 10, a comprehensive stormwater and drainage study, citywide road resurfacing, and demolition and construction of a sitting park at the Mongoven building in downtown. The plan is scheduled through 2028. A second and final reading will take place during the February meeting.

Council approved a resolution for a Florida Department of Economic Opportunity Community Development Block Grant Mitigation grant agreement. The funds will be used to construct drainage improvements within the city to properly mitigate flooding. The funding will also clean, reshape and stabilize existing ditches, new lateral outfall ditches, and restoration and expansion of existing cross drains to ensure proper conveyance of the storm water. The total grant is in the amount of $2,936,950.

Approval to advertise for a bid was given by council for fire department vehicles. The bid package includes removal of an old tank and existing bed from brush truck, fabricate and weld a new bed with a new tank close to the same specs as the old one, and paint and install new bed with tank on brush truck.

Winners for the Chipley Christmas House Decoration were presented plaques. Awards went to Seth and Allison Lowery; Charles, Susan and Alyssa Munns; Edgar and Tamara Donjuan; and Gina Page.

The Chipley City Council will meet again at 6 p.m. Feb. 14.
