Thu. Mar 6th, 2025

Vernon Zumba class seeks a compromise with city council

[Kinsley Cook | The News]

“Zumba with Michelle” reaches for a balanced class between exercise and fun that is open to the public. Around fifteen members meet every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 p.m. in the Vernon Community Center and class fees are donation only. However, during Vernon’s city council meeting on August 19, Zumba instructor Michelle Schwartz and members attended to refute a vote to remove their weekly class. 

The city of Vernon placed this vote on the agenda due to financial reasons. “We are actually spending money for y’all to do this,” said Council President Becky Baxley. Currently, there is a two hundred dollar fee at the community center for all renters. During the meeting, Zumba class members stated their struggle to pay twelve hundred dollars a month to the city to rent four hours per week. Baxley added, “What is being paid now, it is not feasible and it is not fair”. 

“Physically, we need this class,” said Zumba member Jody Bush. Instructor Schwartz stated that two hundred pounds have been lost between the members. During class hours, they utilize blacklights and exercise with inoperable air conditioning. However, council members reassured the class about renovations starting soon along with informing that Zumba will need to move to a temporary location during that time period. 

“I really hope you guys will consider allowing us to stay, and I appreciate your time,” said Schwartz. Other members spoke about seeking a lower rent fee to continue the weekly class. As a result, Vernon city council agreed to revisit a financial compromise at the next workshop, September 3 at 5:30 p.m. 

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