Mon. Jan 13th, 2025

CHS Band holds Spring Concert

CHIPLEY – The Chipley High School “Spirit of the Tiger” Symphonic Band presented its annual Spring Concert on Thursday, May 6.

After opening with the Star Spangled Banner, the band presented a musical journey that included almost an hour of music that the band had been preparing during most of this unusual school year.  In CHS Band Director Mr. DavenportÂ’s words, the performance represented “many monthsÂ’ worth of pent-up musical expression by the students,” referring to the many pandemic- related cancellations and other obstacles that prevented the normal cycle of performances this year.

The concert also featured another tradition of the band program, allowing graduating seniors to rehearse and conduct pieces.  Six student conductors were featured, as well as three guest conductors at the concert:  Mr. Bryce Coots, current Band Director at Roulhac Middle School; Ms. Hannah Vinson, who just completed her Internship with the CHS Band as a student teacher from the Baptist College of Florida; and former RMS Director Daniel McNeill, who was the graduating classÂ’ band teacher when they started in sixth grade at RMS.

The program included Awakening Hills, Fireburst Fanfare, (performed with the RMS 8th Grade Band members),  Military Escort March, Reflections from the Wall, Theme from The Mandalorian,  In Simple Faith, The Spirit of Aloha,Celebration, Highlights from “How to Train Your Dragon,” A Hymn for Band, Cotton-Eyed Joe, Enterprising Young Men from “Star Trek,” and the annual concert finale, Washington County Newss & Stripes Forever.   The Percussion Ensemble also presented two pieces, Breakfast at TympaniÂ’s  and The Entertainer.

After the concert, Mr. Davenport recognized and thanked the outgoing Band Booster Leadership Team for their commitment to the CHS Band program: Dan Burdeshaw, Paula Kindelspire, Becky Spencer, Judy Brett, Nick Dillard, Matt Cook, David & Sheila Taylor, Bill Futch, and Charlie Price. The 2020-2021 Band Student Leadership Team was also recognized and thanked. 

The audience expressed its appreciation for the administrators, teachers, school board members, Principal Alicia Clemmons, Assistant Principal Sam Cox, and Superintendent Joe Taylor for their continued support to the CHS Band program.

The “Spirit of the Tiger” Band Class of 2021 was recognized. The 12 graduating band seniors have a combined GPA of 3.84 and most have already received scholarship offers to college.  Those seniors are TyÂ’Niyah Andrews, Trevor Balkcom, Noah Burdeshaw, Noah Beckley, Lily Bratcher, Carrlee Harris, Kaleb Hobbs, Madison Paul, Zoe Pezanowski, Natalie Spencer, Blake Stoker, and John Taylor. 

Band Student Award recipients included:

State Solo Superior Awards – Trevor Balkcom, Kaleb Hobbs

All-State Band – Trevor Balkcom

Most Improved Musician – Jenny Davenport

Most Improved Color Guard Member – Riane Anderson

Most Improved Percussion – Cass Dillard

Most Outstanding Musician – Trevor Balkcom

Most Outstanding Percussion – Zoe Pezanowski

Most Outstanding Color Guard Member – Madeline Mehaffey

Rookie of the Year – Harrison Sapp

Spirit of the Tiger Award – Natalie Spencer

SOTTB Leadership Award – John Taylor

HLD (Honor Leadership Dedication) Award – Ty’niyah Andrews

John Phillip Sousa Outstanding Bandsman Award – Trevor Balkcom

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