Wed. Feb 12th, 2025

Chipley Scout Troop 39 honors newest Eagle Scout 

Bruce McLeod

On Nov. 4th, family and friends of Scout Troop 39 gathered at Blue Lake Baptist Church to present D. Brayden Brooks with his award at an Eagle Court of Honor. 

Brayden started as a Cub Scout in 2013 and has stayed with Scouting for his entire period of eligibility. Patrol Leader Noah Hester led the ceremony by calling the color guard to post the flag, then the pledge of allegiance was recited. 

D. Brayden Brooks was awarded an Eagle Court of Honor, a recognition few Scouts reach. [CONTRIBUTED] 

Next, recitation of the Scout Oath, Scout Law, and invocation were performed. Tyler Spangenburg spoke about the journey to Eagle and discussed what Brayden had learned as he advanced through the ranks of Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, Star, Life, then finally, Eagle. 

A candle was lit on the journey display by Levi Smelser for each rank as it was discussed. Testimonials were given by his sister Brittany, on behalf of family friend Ms. Judy, and mentor Jared Schneider about Brayden’s experience as a young boy and growth into a young man and leader. 

Stories about him brought laughter, pride, and a few tears of joy among the assembled group. Brayden next received the Eagle Scout Charge and Oath from adult Scout volunteer Bruce McLeod, to always be a leader and stay committed to his duty to God, Country, and family. 

D. Brayden Brooks was awarded an Eagle Court of Honor, a recognition few Scouts reach. [CONTRIBUTED] 

Finally, the next step was for Scoutmaster Ted to present the award. His mom, Dana, pinned on his Eagle medal. Brayden then pinned the Mother’s Eagle pin on Dana, and also on his grandmother, Dorothy P. Brooks. Brayden pinned mentor pins on Jared Schneider and Scoutmaster Ted Spangenburg. 

Ted took the opportunity to speak about Brayden’s journey and then invited Pastor Richard Smelser to speak. Pastor Smelser recalled with admiration how Brayden had been a great friend and scouting buddy for his son Levi when he first joined. He then closed the ceremony with a prayer. 

A reception was held in the fellowship hall. At the reception, Scoutmaster Ted beamed with pride as he discussed Brayden’s achievement in The Order of the Arrow, the Scouting honor society. Brayden is the first Chipley scout in 50 years to receive the Vigil Honor award from the Order. 

Very few scouts ever reach this level of recognition. Brayden was preceded in receiving his Eagle this August by Alejandro Corbin. Tyler Spangenburg will also receive his award later this year, completing his Eagle board of review at the same time as Brayden. Alejandro is the fourth Corbin boy to follow in his father Michael’s footsteps becoming an Eagle Scout in Chipley Troop 39. 

Troop 39 has been in existence, although previous troop number is lost to history, for 109 years. If your child, age 10-13, is interested in becoming a Scout or if new to the area and already a Scout, Chipley Troop 39 would love to hear from you. 

The Scout Oath: “On my honor, I will do my best, to do my duty, to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law. To help other people at all times, to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.†The Scout Law: A scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.â€

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